HomePsoriasis ArticlesHow To Treat Nail Psoriasis – 5 Natural Remedies


How To Treat Nail Psoriasis – 5 Natural Remedies — 8 Comments

  1. Great post ,i am happy that i come across this website on time.I have a friend who has this problem of nail psoriasis ,he bought many cream from pharmacy but nothing changed. He was using a soap they told him it helps in nails restoration but nothing is improving. I will now tell him to use aloe vera as i see it fights against Psoriasis and for sure this name is new for me.

     Thank you for helping people

    • I am glad that you landed on my website Julienne, and thanks for commenting on my latest article “How To Treat Nail Psoriasis – 5 Natural Remedies“. More often than not, natural remedies work better than pharmaceutical products, but it is advisable to seek medical help to be sure that what you think you have is really what you have.

      I am sure that your friend will be very grateful to you for showing him this website. One thing that you should also recommend is that he also gets on a diet. I have written a great article on the subject ~~> A Skin Disorder Diet

      It will be interesting to know the results your friend gets out of that. I would be most grateful if you could share that with us here.

      I wish you and your friend the best of health.


  2. Hi John, I found reading about nail psoriasis interesting.  

    I was not aware that it was incurable.  So once you have it, do the symptoms wane but never goes away?

    Are certain types of people more affected then others e.g. those deficient in vitamin c?

    Does this particularly affect the elderly?  There are times when I’ve seen such nails but usually in the elderly and I just assumed it was because of age.  

    It’s heartening that at least the condition can be mitigated by natural means like aloe vera which is a great plant, and epsom salt – both products so easily obtained.

    • Thanks very much for visiting my website and for your questions Cath. That’s right, there is no known cure for psoriasis yet unfortunately. But there are great progress done in this direction.

      For the time being, a psoriasis sufferer has to learn to live with it and to reduce the pains (physical and mental). Some people are more prone to having it but it has nothing to do with age as very young children can have psoriasis. It also has nothing much to do with vitamin C deficiency.

      Here below, I am listing a few of my past articles that will help you understand psoriasis better:

      Causes and Triggers

      Use Positive Thinking To Help With Your Psoriasis

      Detox to Ward Off Psoriasis

      What Are The Best Vitamins For Psoriasis

      Hope this helps and if you have any questions, I would be very happy to help you.

      Wishing you a very happy and healthy life.


  3. Thanks for all that good information. I always try to use natural remedies first. You gave a lot of options for natural psoriasis management here! I find aloe, arnica oil and some of these other things handy to have around for lots of reasons. Do you know if it’s unhealthy or problematic to paint affected nails? Like to get a manicure?

    • Thanks very much for visiting my website and for taking the time to comment on my “How To Treat Nail Psoriasis – 5 Natural Remedies” article. Like you, I strongly believe that Nature has provided everything for us to use in every circumstances. 

      Yes, there are all sorts of natural products, or plants, that work very well to help with psoriasis.

      Psoriasis sufferers should avoid being in contact with chemicals in general, even fragrance can aggravate the symptoms. As for having a manucure done, it should not be too much of a problem unless the sufferer has nail psoriasis.

      Let me know of you have any more questions and I wish you the very best of health.


  4. Nail psoriasis I do have but I never put it in the same family has regular psoriasis. In your opinion if I were to cut down on my stress level which is the main cause of mine, do you think my nail psoriasis will also diminish in time? Or do I just learn to live with it?

    • Nice seeing you on this website again Cathy. If I understand well, you are saying that there seem to be no case of psoriasis in your family. Although, psoriasis can be hereditary, it doesn’t mean that someone has passed it on to you. You could be the first one to have developed it, or it might have jumped a generation or two. What could also be the case, is that someone in your line had it and never talked about it, either by ignorance or guilt feeling, which was often the case a few years back.

      Stress is definitely responsible for a lot of the psoriasis cases. It is a topic that I plan to write about very soon, so stay tuned. 

      Unfortunately, Cathy, yes, you need to learn how to live with your psoriasis, but if you can manage your stress level, you should be fine.

      Looking forward to seeing you here again soon and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask them here.

      I wish you the very best of health.


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