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The Diet Plan to Lose Weight Fast – 7 Easy Tips to Lose Weight and Fat! weightloss #LoseWeightFast Share on X

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The Diet Plan to Lose Weight Fast

7 Easy Steps Diet Plan to Lose Weight and Fat

Sometimes very little known and yet simple advice to implement to eliminate extra pounds can be the answer.

Do you want to lose some weight or burn excess fat but find it difficult? So keep reading because there could be lots of reasons for your frustration.

First of all, beware of diets that promise the moon and wonders, such as losing weight quickly with very little or no effort, but which make you regain the lost pounds as quickly.

The following tips will help you achieve your goals in a healthy way over the medium to long term.

Summary: What You Should Know Before Everything

Losing fat or weight: what you need to know first …

Do not confuse weight loss with fat loss!

There is a difference between losing weight and losing fat. Lots of people are looking to shed extra pounds. However, the important thing is not so much the weight but the percentage of body fat.

It is indeed the excess fats that must be eliminated (they are part of what is called fat mass) while preserving or even developing muscles (lean mass).

If you are gaining some weight while building muscle while losing fat, you are on the right track.

Indeed, it is not about losing muscle. Some diets designed to lose weight quickly can lead you to this and are dangerous for your health.

To stay healthy, you need the right balance. BMI (Body Mass Index) is an indicator that lets you know where you stand. You can also use an impedance meter scale to know approximately and follow the evolution of your fat mass.

However, these are tools that one must use with caution. Always seek the advice of a specialist who will be able to guide you according to your specific situation.

4 conditions to optimize weight loss

To lose fat on a long-term basis, it is necessary to reduce fat mass by combining a healthy and balanced diet and physical activity, a little sport for example, but not just any old way (see below), while avoiding as much as possible the stress.

Stress releases hormones (cortisol and adrenaline) which serve to boost the body physically to protect it from the source of stress but, indirectly, encourage poor eating and therefore gain weight.

The psychological aspect, which is often put aside, also plays a vital role and, if it was treated, could solve most overweight problems smoothly and sustainably (see tip # 7).

Finally, losing weight takes time. Do not try at all costs to lose weight quickly …

To lose weight healthily, that is to say to lose excess fat, it is therefore necessary to:

  • Chose a balanced diet: which allows you not to store more fat than necessary. To lose fat and weight, you don’t necessarily have to eat less, but you have to eat better. Certain foods or a combination of foods help limit fat storage. Some dietary supplements can also help.
  • Do a little physical activity: it helps to reduce the excess fat by activating the metabolism. With training, the process of using fat becomes more efficient. Sport is not necessarily an effective way to lose weight. You still have to respect certain rules. I talk about it below.
  • Have a serene life and an adapted lifestyle: they avoid the additional storage of fat.
  • Understand the origin of the problem: the problem to treat is not that I am eating too much but why I am eating too much. If we solve this problem, losing weight becomes a much easier goal to achieve.

Here are 7 easy and practical tips to lose weight and fat sustainably. The list is not exhaustive. I wanted to highlight some effective tips that are not always well known.

Tip # 1: Increase Your Basal Metabolism To Burn More Fat While Resting!

By increasing your basal metabolism, you burn more fat even at rest
Metabolism is a transformative process in which we burn calories. The higher it is, the more fat you burn.

To lose a little weight, you have to increase it! But how ?

It is necessary to distinguish the basic metabolism (minimal expenditure of the organism to ensure the vital functions) of the active metabolism (increase of the energy needs related to the physical activity).

Increasing your activity metabolism is what seems the most obvious (the most tiring too!) to lose fat.

But did you know that it is also possible to increase your basic metabolism and thus lose fat 24 hours a day? Therefore, also at rest and even while sleeping!

However, a little work is required to achieve this. Once your basal metabolic rate has increased, all you have to do is maintain it and wait to see results.

Great, but how can you increase your basal metabolism? Read This: How To Increase Your Metabolism And Burn More Fat.

Tip # 2: To Burn Fat, Exercise, But Not Just Any Old Way!

Does sports really help losing weight?

Practicing a sport seems to be an obvious way to lose weight fast and be part of your diet plan, right? However, it is not totally correct. Read on and you will understand why.

Also note that most sports helps to gain muscles and muscles are heavy! But building muscles will also help you lose fat and this is what you need. I cover this point in tip # 3.

At high intensity, cardio training burns a lot of calories but very little fat!

To lose fat, it is often recommended to do cardio training, an activity that works the heart and can cause you to burn a lot of calories. Cardio training is indeed one of the most effective calorie burning activities, of course.

But the goal is not just to burn calories, but fat! However, at high intensity, it is mainly sugars (muscle glycogen) and not fats that you will consume and that you will re-store during the next meals …

To see effects on your body, you would have to practice long hours of cardio or do it regularly (I know that some readers here are already thinking of skipping to the next tip). But don’t, as there is a simple way to counter this and it is explained just after.

No more fat burned at low intensity!

If high intensity sport draws mainly on carbohydrate reserves, at low intensity, this time it is mainly fat that we burn.

Unfortunately, few calories are spent in total so little fat in the end. To burn fat effectively, your cardio training effort must be done at the right intensity: neither too low nor too intense.

An hour of walking at a brisk pace can be more effective in shedding excess fat than an hour of jogging!


PhenQ is a prescription-free, natural alternative to weight loss drug phentermine.

Combining the power of multiple weight loss supplements in just one pill, PhenQ burns fat, blocks new fat production, suppresses hunger and cravings and improves mood.

PhenQ’s primary ingredient is backed by extensive clinical studies, while numerous other studies support the effectiveness of the rest of PhenQ’s powerful, natural ingredients.

PhenQ’s 2015 launch saw it immediately and became one of the most popular weight loss brand on the market. Sales have continued to skyrocket, making it one of the fastest-growing brands on the Internet.

Now selling to over 140 countries worldwide and turning over millions of dollars in revenue per year, PhenQ is one of the biggest weight loss brands in the industry.

It has a huge social following, is endorsed by numerous official brand ambassadors on social media, and its effectiveness is supported by plenty of before and after pictures sent in by its happy customers.

Extracted from: PhenQ

Sport on an empty stomach to lose weight: yes, but with caution!

On an empty stomach, our body, in the absence of immediately available carbohydrates in the blood, is much quicker to break down fats!

If this technique sounds good to you, it is not without risks and requires certain precautions to be implemented.

This is the reason why I did not offer it as a full-fledged tip.

Tip # 3: Practice Bodybuilding to Lose Fat Almost Without Doing Anything!

Weight lifting is one of the most effective ways to lose fat on a lasting basis.
Maybe you think there is no connection between building muscle and losing weight.

Moreover, when we do weight lifting, we tend to gain a little weight at the beginning because of muscle development! Which is not very encouraging!

However, bodybuilding is one of the most effective methods for lasting fat loss and slimmer figure! The more muscles you work, the better.

Unlike cardio training, it is not so much the weight training sessions themselves that contribute to the elimination of fat but what happens after and even when you sleep.

And if you’re not a bodybuilding fan or don’t know how, take a look at the next tip. It could help you! …

Tip # 4: The 2 in 1 Method: The Best Sport to Burn Fat!

Sports combining cardio training and weight training are the most effective for weight loss.

This tip seems obvious, but had you thought about it? If you are looking for the best sport to lose fat and weight, there is nothing like killing two birds with one stone: choosing an activity that combines the benefits of tips # 2 and # 3 (losing fat through cardio training and bodybuilding).

Indeed, some sports, more than others, develop musculature while working the cardio. Thus, you eliminate fat both during your cardio-training sport and the rest of the time thanks to the muscles acquired during your sessions!

It is ideal for losing weight! It can also be more motivating than doing the 2 activities separately (cardio and weight training).

Tip # 5: To Lose Weight, Manage Your Blood Sugar Spike as Well as Possible

A few simple rules can prevent blood sugar spikes which promote the storage of carbohydrates in the form of fat. We often hear that carbohydrates make you fat. In reality, this is not always true …

When we consume foods containing carbohydrates, the sugars they contain are stored either in the form of muscle reserves (which do not make you fat) or in the form of fat.

It depends on the intensity of the spike in blood sugar that follows the consumption of the carbohydrate food. The higher it is, the more fat the body will store.

To avoid blood sugar spikes, it’s simple, you have to know how to choose the right carbohydrates and when and how to consume them.

Did you know, for example, that a pastry eaten away from meals will not have the same effect on the body at all as if it is eaten at the end of a meal or just after a sporting activity?

Likewise, consuming pasta with vegetables makes you less weighty than pasta alone. Or, it is better to eat a whole apple than to drink its juice alone.

Tip # 6: To Burn Fat, Adopt A Healthy Lifestyle

A healthy and balanced life with a little daily exercise helps to maintain your body and optimize the process of fat elimination.

Leading a healthy lifestyle is the key to losing weight by acting both on the body and the mind. Here are some simple and useful tips you can follow:

  • Drink enough … of course water, to stay hydrated, to flush out toxins, and help shed fat.
  • Eat healthy and balanced. Avoid excess. Eat until full, but stop beforehand. The feeling of satiety indeed comes with a slight delay.
  • Don’t skip meals. Our body has a tendency to economize and stockpile when it is not fed enough. On the contrary, multiplying meals allows you to spend more (digestion consumes calories and activates the metabolism). The ideal is to eat 5 small meals a day.
  • Favor fat-burning foods (citrus fruits, apple, green tea, papaya, cinnamon, oat bran, foods rich in protein including 0% dairy products and white meats). If this is too much of a hassle for you, turn to dietary supplements. Some natural products are very effective and will help you lose fat more easily. I offer a list of some food supplements at the end of this article.
  • Eat slowly: this allows you to eat less (the feeling of satiety being slow to come) and also better appreciate what you eat!
  • Get regular physical activity, even if it’s just a little gardening or housework. This will increase your basal metabolism.
  • Adapt your lifestyle: avoid elevators, run errands (in addition to running!). The WHO recommends taking at least the equivalent of 10,000 steps a day: get an activity tracker to find out how much you walk per day, motivate yourself to move and monitor your progress.

Did you know ?

Chewing gum helps burn calories! (*)

According to American researchers at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, chewing gum increases basal energy expenditure by about 20%. Three hours of daily chewing (or about 40 kcal spent) would thus make it possible to lose nearly a kilo of body fat per year!

Source : The New England Journal of Medicine, 30 décembre 1999, vol.341, n°27, 2100

* Caution: repeated chewing can have harmful effects on the jaw joints (wear of the menisci).

Tip # 7: To Eat Less, Understand Why You Are Eating Too Much

Being overweight is often linked to a psychological problem. The situation to resolve is not so much the fact of overeating but why we eat too much.

One last tip, the best for the end! A lot of people gain weight because they eat too much and exercise too little. They then undertake a diet. But the problem is not so much the fact that they eat too much but to know, and especially to treat the problem, why they eat too much.

This approach is very effective in getting rid of compulsive behaviors (tobacco, alcohol, food, sugar, etc.). Unfortunately, it is not very well known and still little highlighted today.

The motivation that leads to “eating too much” is indeed frequently a solution put in place unconsciously to resolve a deeper problem, often of a psychological nature.

To start a diet, it is first necessary to replace this solution put in place (eating too much) by another which is more appropriate or even better, treat the basic problem, that at the origin of the solution put in place.

The diet will then naturally become the norm and no longer an untenable challenge. If these few lines seem obscure to you, the following example should enlighten you …

To take an example:

A friend of mine, who has a habit of going to bed late, tells me that he needs to drink a cola drink every afternoon to keep up with the shock until the end of the day, even though he is aware that this type of drink can be harmful to his health.

Stopping the cola drink here is not the best solution to his health concerns since it is itself a good solution to his fatigue problem!

Stopping the drink would indeed open the door to another problem! … Unless he replaces the drink with another less harmful stimulant! But the best solution would still be to go to bed earlier!

The same goes for cases of overweight, obesity or bulimia which are frequently linked to psychological problems that are often unsuspected (past injuries, emotional shock, emotional disappointment, etc.).

Without a replacement or treatment for the source of the problem, the motivation to diet is very likely to fail, even with the best of will!

Or, we will most certainly, unconsciously, put in place another solution to the original problem. Some people, for example, will fall into depression or resume smoking because they have quite simply eliminated the solution to the real problem which is not actually that of being overweight …

A psychologist or psychotherapist can help identify and treat the original problem and thus allow the person to find a real motivation to find the nutritional balance that suits him or her.

Food Supplements That Help Burn Fat

Some dietary supplements can be helpful in helping you lose fat. These products must be selected with care and must not replace a balanced diet. Always seek medical advice.

Below is a list of quality products that can help you. These supplements have been selected for their quality. Although I have not personally tested each and everyone of these products, my in depth research and careful study of the users’ recommendations and comments helped me to recommend them.


the diet plan to lose weight fast

PhenQ is a prescription-free, natural alternative to weight loss drug phentermine.

Combining the power of multiple weight loss supplements in just one pill, PhenQ burns fat, blocks new fat production, suppresses hunger and cravings and improves mood.

PhenQ’s primary ingredient is backed by extensive clinical studies, while numerous other studies support the effectiveness of the rest of PhenQ’s powerful, natural ingredients.

PhenQ’s 2015 launch saw it immediately and became one of the most popular weight loss brand on the market. Sales have continued to skyrocket, making it one of the fastest-growing brands on the Internet.

Now selling to over 140 countries worldwide and turning over millions of dollars in revenue per year, PhenQ is one of the biggest weight loss brands in the industry.

It has a huge social following, is endorsed by numerous official brand ambassadors on social media, and its effectiveness is supported by plenty of before and after pictures sent in by its happy customers.

PhenQ: https://curepsoriasisholistically.com/phenq
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the diet plan to lose weight fast

CrazyBulk steroid alternatives are designed to boost muscle growth, shred fat and increase strength, safely and legally, and with no side effects. 

Since bodybuilding has hit the mainstream, power supplements and steroid alternatives have surged in popularity as bodybuilders and serious gym goers are craving bigger better faster results.

Launched in 2014, CrazyBulk is now one of the biggest brands on the market catering to this demand and continues to grow. Selling to over 150 countries worldwide, CrazyBulk’s yearly revenue has more than doubled year on year since its launch. 

Endorsed by bodybuilders, personal trainers and numerous brand ambassadors, CrazyBulk is the number one on Google for “legal steroids”.

CrazyBulk: https://curepsoriasisholistically.com/crazybulk
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Please note that any advice, guidance or instruction that I provide here should not be a substitute for medical advice. And this is valid for any of my articles, reports and product reviews.

Ensure you visit your physician if you are using any medication or if you are skeptic following the advice offered.

Also, note that results may vary among individuals. All media content used in this post are for illustration purposes alone.

John – Owner of “Natural Health Remedies For Everyone

Thanks for Reading this Easy to Follow Diet Plan to Lose Weight.

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If you or any of your acquaintances know of any natural ways to help in any aspect of health, we would love to hear about it.

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DisclosureThis website contains affiliate links intended to earn me some commissions when my readers click on them and make a purchase. This enables me to bear the costs of researching and publishing. Thanks for your understanding.

John – Owner of “Natural Health Remedies For Everyone

© Copyright “Natural Health Remedies For Everyone” since 2017 and to date!

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Weight Loss – The 7 Steps Diet Plan to Lose Weight Fast — 2 Comments

  1. Hi John, I was glad to read “If you’re gaining some weight while putting on muscle while losing fat you are on the right track.” That is what I told my son because he had lost weight and started working out and started gaining so he was worried but I said just stick with it, building muscle can’t be a bad thing, even if you gain weight.

    I also like the section talking about how eating too much can be caused by an underlying condition which one would need to treat in order to be successful with weight loss.

    • Thanks very much for stopping by and reading my latest blog post Alison and I am glad that you found answers to two questions that you and your son had.

      I must admit I learned also a lot while researching for facts when writing this article which I really enjoy doing.

      Take care, stay safe and healthy.


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