acne removal

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There are many acne removal remedies available online and offline. Some can also be performed at home; others require the recommendations of your medical practitioner and/or the services of a dermatologist.

In any case, before taking any action it is best to first understand what acne is, who is prone to suffer from it and what are the solutions available for its removal.

For those who are concerned about this skin disease, I have done some research, interviewed several skin specialists and combined all my findings into this blog post. I hope that you will find it interesting and useful.

Of course, your comments and input will be of most importance to my readers; so do not hesitate to scroll down the page to share your views, experience and suggestions in the comments’ section.

Acne Removal – What is on Offer?

Acne is a skin disease that mainly affects adolescents, but sometimes also infants and adults (especially women). Characterized by an excess of sebum, it causes the formation of pimples (blackheads, white pimples …). So, what to do to get rid of it?


  1. Definition of acne
  2. Definition of sebum
  3. Adult acne
  4. Acne in women
  5. Adolescent acne
  6. Infant acne
  7. Hormonal acne
  8. Retentional or inflammatory acne?
  9. Acne or rosacea?
  10. Stages of acne severity
  11. Symptoms
  12. Causes
  13. Diagnostic
  14. Treatments
  15. Actions and products to avoid
  16. Care for acne-prone skin
  17. Make the scars disappear
  18. How not to have acne

1. Definition of Acne

“Acne designates lesions of the pilosebaceous follicle, inflammatory (“pimples”) and / or retention (“black spots”, “microcysts”) which most often occur in adolescence and which are also linked to hyperseborrhea (“oily skin”) “, explains Doctor Sandra Ly, dermatologist and venereologist, member of the French Society of Dermatology (SFD).

2. What is Sebum?

Sebum is the oily film naturally secreted by the skin or scalp. Its role is to maintain the hydration of the epidermis; it enters into the composition of the hydrolipidic film of the skin.

It protects the skin and hair from drying out and from external agressions, while maintaining their flexibility. When there is an excess in production, it is the cause of oily skin, acne pimples or oily hair. In case of lack, it is responsible for dry skin and brittle hair.

3. Adult Acne

While some adults (over 25) have acne, it is mostly adolescent acne that persists into adulthood. “It can present as adolescent acne or more specifically affect the lower face (chin and mandibles) and the lateral sides of the neck.”

Acne in adults: cause, diet, treatments

Far from being a case for adolescents, acne also affects adults and in particular women. What is it due to? But, how to treat it? All will be revealed as you read on.

4. Acne in Women After 25 Years

Late-onset acne (after 25 years of age) is most often predominant on the lower face (chin, jaws, etc.). If it is accompanied by signs such as menstruation disorders, an increase in chin or beard hair, hair loss … it may also require a hormonal assessment.

It is often aggravated by the use of comedogenic or fatty cosmetics or by taking contraceptives containing substances that may have a hormonal role. In all cases, it requires careful assessment and appropriate treatment.

Late-onset acne in women: causes, what to do?

Acne isn’t just for puberty and teenagers. Adults can also get pimples: this is what we call late acne. Why ? What to do ? What solutions to overcome or relieve an acne breakout?

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5. Adolescent Acne

This is the most common form since it affects around 80% of adolescents. It usually begins at the beginning of adolescence (12 years of age) with retentional lesions (blackheads and microcysts), then with red spots.

This can last throughout adolescence; or even continue beyond. It causes a risk of scarring when it is severe (presence of red nodules, large cysts, etc.).

6. Infant Acne

Infant acne affects about 20% of newborns. It appears as small pimples appearing on the baby’s face, usually between birth and two months old.

This benign condition is due to a significant production of sebum: at the end of pregnancy, the mother’s more important hormone intake has the effect of strongly stimulating the sebaceous glands.

Pimples, most often located on the cheeks and forehead, are meant to go away on their own. It is enough to clean the skin of the infant daily with water. And by all means, it is not wise to try to pierce the pimples.

7. Hormonal Acne

When we talk about acne, we sometimes mean hormonal acne because this pathology has a link with hyperseborrhea, that is to say an excess of sebum.

The sebum is secreted by the sebaceous glands of the skin and this secretion is stimulated mainly, but not only, by androgens; and especially testosterone which is the male hormone.

Not to mention that some women have acne that worsens at the time of ovulation or menstruation, which is again talking about hormonal acne.

Finally, some women develop acne when they are pregnant, especially during the first trimester of pregnancy.

8. Retentional or Inflammatory Acne?

There are two types of acne. Retentional acne where comedones and microcysts are the predominant lesions while papulopustular lesions are rarer.

As for inflammatory acne, it presents a predominance of inflammatory papulo-pustular or nodular lesions, that is to say red and sometimes pustular.

9. Acne or Rosacea?

Be careful not to confuse acne and rosacea: This skin disease which causes redness, rosacea or even skin lesions, is in fact not linked to hyperseborrhea.

10. Criteria That Define the Severity of Facial Acne …

The severity of facial acne is defined according to three criteria:

  • the affected area,
  • the number of lesions,
  • and the type of lesions.

Acne is qualified as “severe” (grade 4) when the whole face is covered with numerous papulo-pustules (pimples) and open comedones (blackheads) or closed (microcysts).

Acne is qualified as “very severe” (grade 5) when it is very inflammatory covering the face with nodules.

Severe acne is also acne which leaves scars and / or which impairs the quality of life of patients.

11. Symptoms

Pimples and blackheads due to acne can appear on the face (chin, nose, forehead, or cheeks) but also on the back.

In fact, acne “affects areas rich in sebaceous glands but we do not know why it is distributed differently in different individuals”, explains Dr Ly.

12. Causes

Hormones are one of the leading causes of acne in adolescents, but also sometimes in adult women.

At puberty, the hormonal surge causes an overproduction of sebum which clogs the pores of the skin.

In women, hormonal fluctuations before their period can lead to acne breakouts.

If the main factor is hyperseborrhea, it can also be triggered by other factors such as stress, an unbalanced diet rich in sugars or fats, nicotine …

Acne is a benign inflammatory dermatosis of multi-factorial origin. We must treat acne effectively and quickly.

13. Diagnostic

Common juvenile acne does not require further examination. On the other hand, in the presence of acne in an adult woman, a blood test and sometimes an ultrasound of the ovaries can be useful to determine the causes of excessive secretion of male hormones.

It is the dermatologist who will be best able to prescribe a suitable treatment to reduce, or even stop, your acne.

14. Treatment – Acne Removal

  • Acne should be treated locally, accompanied by daily cleansing of acne-prone skin with non-aggressive products suitable for oily skin.
  • Then, there are two main groups of treatments to fight against acne: local treatments and general swallowing treatments. These two types of treatments, which are adapted to the severity of the acne, can be combined because they are complementary.

For mild acne, the dermatologist may prescribe “a local treatment, mainly benzoyl peroxide +/- topical retinoid”.

In the case of moderate to severe acne, “a 3-month course of antibiotic (doxycycline) and topical treatment (benzoyl peroxide and topical retinoid)”.

For severe to very severe acne, “a 3-month course of antibiotics (doxycycline) and topical treatment (benzoyl peroxide and topical retinoid) or oral isotretinoin requiring compulsory contraception in women of childbearing age”, lists Dr Ly, who adds:

In all cases, compliance with treatment is essential and appropriate cosmetic support is essential.

Touching pimples increases inflammation and spreads germs.

15. Actions and Products to Avoid

To prevent the situation from getting worse, do not touch your pimples or blackheads, it could mark or infect your skin (touching pimples increases the risk of inflammation, spreads germs and makes post-pimple marks worse).

Do not try to “rub off” your skin at all costs with lotions or scrubs, this will only boost the production of sebum even more, and do not choose products that are too greasy, such as very rich cleansing milks which will tend to over-grease your skin.

Very covering foundations are also not recommended because they can promote the appearance of pimples by suffocating the skin.

Finally, beware of the sun, which is a false friend: it dries up the pimples first, but when you return from vacation, the production of sebum accelerates.

16. Care for Acne-prone Skin

Cleanse the skin: In case of excess sebum, use mild soaps with neutral pH to cleanse the skin morning and evening.

Moisturize: Once the skin is cleansed, it is advisable to apply, in the morning, a mattifying day cream to absorb excess sebum, and in the evening, a non-greasy fluid with cleansing and purifying properties (there are tinted BB creams , for example, which are suitable for acne-prone skin and allow blemishes to be masked without choking pores).

Gently exfoliate: Once a week make a scrub to brighten your complexion and then apply a gentle absorbent mask (clay or kaolin for example).

17. Make the Scars Disappear

The best way to avoid acne scars is to treat acne effectively and quickly, especially if it is severe.

Dr. Ly advocates.

In addition to the treatment, the skin must be protected from the sun in order to limit the pigmented marks.

If scars do appear, however, they can be reduced by various means such as peels and lasers.

Acne scars: cream, laser, peel, how to remove them?

Acne is a skin disease that particularly affects adolescents but can last, or appear in adulthood. Updates on the different types of acne responsible for scars and the solutions to reduce them are available. Your dermatologist will be the person to contact for that.

18. How to Prevent Acne

If it is not possible to prevent 100% the appearance of acne, Dr. Ly recommends however to adopt a few actions easy to implement on a daily basis to prevent its appearance as much as possible.

Thus, it is recommended to adopt a healthy lifestyle, to have a balanced diet and not to smoke.

Not to mention “gentle skin hygiene and suitable, non-comedogenic cosmetics”. Other factors can trigger or worsen acne. This could be the occlusive effect of a helmet or cap, exposure to the sun that causes only transient improvement, or manipulation of pimples.

How to Get Rid of Your Acne Forever? Here are Plenty of Solutions! #acne #skincare RT Share on X

Thank you to Doctor Sandra Ly, dermatologist and venereologist, member of the French Society of Dermatology (SFD).


Please note that any advice, guidance or instruction that I provide here should not be a substitute for medical advice. And this is valid for any of my articles, reports and product reviews.

Ensure you visit your physician if you are using any medication or if you are skeptic following the advice offered.

Also, note that results may vary among individuals. All media content used in this post are for illustration purposes alone.

John – Owner of “Natural Health Remedies For Everyone

Thanks for Reading this Acne Removal Guide.

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John – Owner of “Natural Health Remedies For Everyone

© Copyright “Natural Health Remedies For Everyone” since 2017 and to date! – Natural Health and Remedies for Everyone – Acne Removal

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Acne Removal — 12 Comments

  1. As somebody who prefers natural remedies to medications, your site is something I will be bookmarking. Thank you for the reviews on Acne Removal which I have shared with my son as this is something he has suffered from. You have provided some great links and options.  Thank you.  Saved to my favourites.

    • Thanks for your comment and for sharing this article with your son Trevor. I am sure that he will find a solution to what most youngsters are dreading: acne.

      Wishing you the very best of health to you and your family Trevor.

      Take care, stay safe and healthy,


  2. I always have acnes when my period is right around the corner. Thanks for such an informative post about acne. I did not know that sebum actually protect our skin, but it just doesn’t look good. Oh gosh, I rub on my acne all the time no wonder it always got bigger because it boost the production of Sebum. Will stop that now. I will focus on the balanced diet from now on. Do you have any suggestions on any cream for acne? 

    • Thanks very much for sharing your experience with acne Nuttanee. One thing that you should stop doing immediately is rubbing and picking on your acne because, not only that it will spread but later scars will remain on your skin, and I am sure that you don’t want to damage your beautiful skin, right?

      I suggest that you consult your medical practitioner who will recommend the right cream for you to apply on your skin.

      Take care, stay healthy and safe.


  3. Hi, John and thank you for a well-written article about acne and acne problems. I expect that I am speaking for a lot of people when I say I remember my acne´s from my period as a teenager. The pimples seemed to pop-up at the most inconvenient moment in time and at the worst locations on my face.

    I found my solution for this in a product called Acnezine, which I think is still in sale. It was very effective, and I think it was quite gentle towards my skin. The pimples disappeared overnight when using this product.

    Your advice on how to treat acne is well put. It is normally something you have to live through, but some people have to struggle with severe cases of acne. I can only imagine how they must be feeling. And here your advice on how to treat acne, especially the natural way, is well put.

    Gentle cleaning with gentle products is important. Adding a diet with healthy food is also good advice, and last but not least be careful with the sun. I know from my own experience how the sun can increase the “outburst” of acne.


    • Thanks very much for sharing your past experience with acne Roy, and for giving some useful advice to my readers. Much appreciated.

      Wishing you the very best of health.


  4. Thank you John for this post. My daughter has had some acne on her skin. She does not like it at all, she has invested in a lot of creams and lotions. I don’t even know if those creams are the right ones. I should forward this post to her and I’ll be on the lookout for your future posts on natural remedies. Keep up the good work! 

    • Yes Juliet, no-one likes to have acne on their skin. If you want to help your daughter in her search for the right cream, one of my readers have just recommended a product called Acnezine and had great success with it.

      I wish you and your family the very best of health.


  5. Wow! This one is really helpful for people like me who have a bad gene when it comes to getting acne. I have pretty been much suffering from acne since high school and I have tried tons of products but failed to get the clear skin that I was hoping to have. This post really helps to better understand what not to do to prevent me from having acne. I will make sure to follow this skincare for acne-prone skin.

    • I’m glad that you found what you needed in this article TeeTeng, and I am quite sure that you will follow some of the advice given. I would appreciate it very much if you would come back here and share your results with us TeeTeng.

      Take care of yourself, stay safe and healthy.


  6. Thanks for these great tips on how to avoid acne and pimples. I sometimes get bad case if it, but since started using a facial cleanser it has helped a lot.

    What is your #1 method for clearing up acne besides a well balanced diet? Do you prefer products that are made or other organic solutions?

    • Thanks for commenting on my acne removal article Michael. Well, you are doing the right thing to start with, that is to keep your face clean and avoid touching the affected area. Then, a good, healthy diet should help a lot.

      And then, to complete the operation, I recommend a cream like “Acnezine“.

      If you follow this recommendations, my readers would appreciate it if you would share your results.

      Best wishes,


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