What Are The 5 Types Of Psoriasis
The 5 types of psoriasis that are most common are Guttata, Plaque, Inverted, Pustular and Scalp psoriasis.
Psoriasis remains little known today. This inflammation of the skin is due to the abundant creation of new cells of the epidermis before the elimination of the previous dead cells. But is there a type of skin more prone to psoriasis?
Psoriasis manifests itself in ugly red patches that appear on the body (small area or more extensive areas). A period of tress can trigger crisis, an emotional shock, a sudden, psychological disruption. The skin is our first defense against the outside world: it is thus that it can react first.
It is therefore normal that some skin types are more affected by psoriasis than others. For example, it can intensify when the skin is dry due to external factors such as wind, heat or temperature. Sensitive and dry skin will be more prone to psoriasis.
Psoriasis is a more or less chronic disease, which develops on the surface of the skin. In this article, we are going to outline the 5 types of psoriasis, the manifestations of which are somewhat similar. The disorder can impact a part of the body or most of it. All age groups of individuals can be affected.
The genetic heritage
Genetic inheritance can also be something to consider. Given the number of cases of psoriasis within families, studies show that most cases of psoriasis are hereditary. Some genes are linked to the development of psoriasis, but the functioning of the process is not yet understood. More than 30% of people with this condition have a family member who has suffered from psoriasis.
Its prevalence varies according to the color of the skin: it is more common in people with white skin. It affects between 1 and 3% of the population and is not sexist at all because it affects men and women equally.
Psoriasis manifests itself during two periods of the life of an individual; between 10 and 20 years and especially between 50 and 60 years. To manifest itself, this inflammatory condition needs a hereditary ground and a triggering factor. If one of the parents has the condistion, the risk of developing in the child is 5-10%.
The appearance of psoriasis therefore has genetic predispositions and, a little bit, depending on the type of skin; the sensitive and white skin will be more likely to be a victim of psoriasis.
The 5 types of psoriasis are:
Psoriasis in drops
This form of psoriasis, often triggers just after an illness such as a cold or sore throat in this case angina. Psoriasis in in drops, also known as psoriasis “guttata”, appears as very small plaques that appear on the surface of the skin. Their appearance is really brutal and the plaques resemble little water drops hence the name of this form of psoriasis. The patient suffers from severe itching but after several treatments, the disease gradually loses its magnitude, even if it is still present. We can sometimes confuse it with syphilis or varicella (chickenpox). The affected individuals are usually children and adolescents.
Psoriasis vulgaris or in plaques
Among the types of psoriasis, one finds the form in plaques also called erythematous. The latter are red and large scales, and white slippers are always superimposed on them. These scurf are thick and cause severe itching. This form of skin disorder is actually the most vulgar of all (hence the name). We estimate that between 6-8 out of 10, is the portion of people who suffer from it after diagnosis. Psoriasis vulgaris or plaque psoriasis preferentially attacks certain areas of the body. It appears on the lumbar region precisely at the lower back, at the buttocks, and always simultaneously at the level of the two knees or both elbows. It is good to know that in about 90% of cases, vulgar psoriasis affects the scalp.
Inverted or fold psoriasis
This type of psoriasis, unlike the previous one, appears as bright, very smooth and pink-colored plates. Here, scabs or flakes are less important but itch as much as those of vulgar psoriasis. This third form of psoriasis always appears under the folds of the body of the person suffering from it. If someone is overweight or obese, fold psoriasis may well find its place in it. The disease is very sensitive because the skin lesions worsen due to any friction or after a strong secretion of sweat. Fold psoriasis appears on any part that lacks exposure, such as under the breasts and buttocks or near the genitals. Psoriasis in folds also evolves in the groin and on the armpits.
Pustular Psoriasis
The fourth type, among the 5 types of psoriasis, is caused by long exposure to ultraviolet light or the effects of a very intense cold. It appears during extreme temperatures. Other triggers of pustular psoriasis are pregnancy, stress, medications or any inappropriate treatment stop. This type of dermatosis psoriasis is common in people over 22 years of age. We know that at least three other variants of pustular psoriasis exist. The latter is manifested by blisters or whitish swellings within which are concentrated dead (pus) white blood cells. All around the blisters, will evolve red spots as for vulgar psoriasis. It can be present along the body or at the four limb level.
Scalp Psoriasis
It is possible to confuse this type of Psoriasis with seborrheic dermatitis, another form of dermatosis. The disorder severely attacks the scalp; and can even cover it. It evolves like vulgar psoriasis, with red patches. But, the real problem here is the size of the white scales or plaques; they are really thick. These cause lesions that not only itch but in addition, are accompanied by bleeding.
Thanks for reading
Now that you know what the 5 types of psoriasis are know of any psoriasis natural treatments that you would like to share, you are welcome to do so here below. Any questions? Please use the box below and I will respond as soon as possible. If you are creating your own psoriasis home remedies that work, please do share them with us. Also feel free to share this socially and leave a comment below. I will very much appreciate it!
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Cure Psoriasis Holistically Copyright © 2017 to date.
Thank you for the great article. I didn’t know there are different types of psoriasis. I thought there is just one type. I have enjoyed reading your article and earned a lot. Thank you very much for the awesome information.
Thanks for your comment Hong. In fact there are several more types of psoriasis, but those I have listed are the most common, which can be managed naturally. Like you, I favor everything natural.
I look forward to seeing you here often. I have a series of very interesting articles to be published.
I wish you a very healthy life.
John ツ
My job at a hospital requires me to often be in contact with patients and I have encountered patients with psoriasis. I can’t imagine how uncomfortable they feel when they have to expose their infected arm so I can conveniently draw blood for laboratory investigations. I
I know that psoriasis is common among the white-skinned because I just assume that their skin is more sensitive. So it can also be hereditary, but are there some ways we can do to make sure we will not get infected? And is psoriasis contagious? I mean, can one pass it on to another via direct contact, like a handshake?
Thanks for visiting my website Alice, and for sharing your valuable experience. One thing that is certain is that psoriasis is NOT contagious therefore cannot be passed on from one person to another via any kind of contact. Many people don’t know that so they avoid close contacts with affected persons.
Of course, someone with psoriasis feels very uncomfortable showing his/her damaged skin. It shouldn’t be like that but unfortunately it is, because those who haven’t had any reasons to know what is psoriasis will not necessarily know what it is or whether it is contagious or not. It is now certain that it is hereditary, so someone with a history of psoriasis in the family will have about 30% chance to be affected. Although it might not be avoided, knowing that there is a possibility of being affected, one can be prepared, do the right things (proper diets, use of the right products, avoid certain fragrances, etc..) will minimise the problem when it arises.
I hope to have answered your questions fully, I look forward to seeing you here again soon.
John ツ
Wow, I really did not realize that psoriasis came in different strains. Are they all treated equally the same, or are there different treatments for each type? I have a friend who suffers from this, and she doesn’t want to see the doctor. Simply buys over the counter medicines which don’t appear to be working. I thought I would do some research to see what options she has. Now I am going to have to find out what type of psoriasis she has, unless they are all treated the same.
Thanks for reading my article Leahrae. One thing that your friend should do is to see her doctor so that she can at least be certain that it is psoriasis she is suffering from. All types of psoriasis can be treated in the same manner. However, what might require a different treatment is the place where the psoriasis is located. For example, a mild scalp psoriasis could be kept under control simply with an anti dandruff shampoo, when a fold psoriasis will require a cream.
What I would suggest that your friend starts with is a well balanced psoriasis diet, so that no matter what type of psoriasis it is (or even if it is not psoriasis but some kind of skin problem), it can always be a good start and perhaps even solve the issue altogether.
Hope this helps and I wish you and your friend a very healthy life.
John ツ