Psoriasis RevolutionPsoriasis Revolution™ is a 250 pages e-book written by Dan Crawford, claiming that the information contained can treat and rescind your psoriasis holistically.

About Psoriasis Revolution™

Psoriasis Revolution™ claims to be a clinically proven, 7- step holistic system that can help you “regain your internal” balance and permanently cure your psoriasis in as little as 30 to 60 days, without making use of drugs or steroid creams. Psoriasis Revolution™ also claims to be customizable according your personal condition.

Psoriasis Revolution™ was created by Dan Crawford, a certified nutrition specialist who claims to have based the information it contains on 12 years and 47,000+ hours of “documented clinical research and vast amounts of money spent on experimentation and tests.” Dan claims that, although psoriasis manifests on the outside, it’s actually an internal problem that needs to be addressed, which is exactly what his program is claimed to do. This makes sense as we know that we are what we eat, and a well balanced diet solves a great number of ailments.

And according to Dan, not only can the information contained in Psoriasis Revolution™ help you permanently overcome your psoriasis—regardless of the type—but it can also help you reverse pitted, thickened, or damaged finger or toe nails; ward off health conditions such as psoriatic arthritis; and lose weight, increase your energy, look younger, and feel healthier. Because of this, Dan claims the program has been used successfully by more than 160,000 individuals in 173 countries. It is not possible however to verify this claim.

Regardless of all these benefits, Psoriasis Revolution™ claims to be safe and efficient, practical, easy to comprehend, and the results to appear rapidly.

Regardless of where on your body psoriasis manifests, the constant itchiness can drive you crazy, and if it’s noticeable by someone else, can make you never want to leave the house. But will Psoriasis Revolution™ provide some relief, or is it a scam? Consider the following:

What is Psoriasis?

If you’re reading this review, you almost certainly have a very personal understanding of what psoriasis is, and how it can negatively impact your life or the life of a loved one. I have written extensively on the subject: Exactly What Is Psoriasis?..

Just as a brief summary though, psoriasis is “a common skin condition that changes the life cycle of skin cells. Psoriasis causes itchy patches of dry skin to appear on the skin. The extra skin cells form thick, silvery scales and itchy, dry, red patches that are sometimes painful.”

Various well known causes have been documented, such as stress, skin injury, medications, infections, etc.. However, psoriasis is a very “personal” condition, because what triggers one person’s flare ups may have no effect on another.


Who is Dan Crawford?

On the Psoriasis Revolution™ website Dan Crawford is said to be a “medical analyst, nutritionist, health expert, and previously a chronic psoriasis sufferer.”

Dan Crawford being quite a common name, searches for such name will return a variety of professionals with this name, namely, a sportsman, a missionary, a professor appearing on many medical publications… A Dan(iel) Crawford seems to be a well known nutritionist which could be our man. It could also be that, as a writer, Dan Crawford was chosen as a pen name. In any case, who is Dan Crawford has very little importance as long is his method works.

What Are Psoriasis Revolution™’s Customers Saying?

We found a few positive and negative reviews, but as expected, as this method is sold through affiliates, reviews are written in such a way that the end result is to make a sale, but my research showed more realistic pros than cons, and in any case the product is guaranteed for 60 days, which gives the buyer more than enough time to appreciate some results or not.

The book being sold via ClickBank, there is no risk whatsoever, your refund is totally guaranteed in case of dissatisfaction.

Outside of these affiliate “reviews,” I found a few legitimate online customer reviews available for Psoriasis Revolution™ at the time of my research, for example:

Pat Lopez – 3 months ago
Right after a week, my husband’s psoriasis went back into remission & problem resolved. The biggest thing is it shows great results.

Max Im.
I can’t remember how long I have been suffering from psoriasis, one thing that I do remember is that I have been using all sorts of creams, shampoos, etc. it did work but after a while it seemed to stop working. When I saw Dan’s book, I had to give it a shot, after all it was guaranteed. Within 7 to 10 days, I was surprised to notice that all my itching had stopped. Now all traces of psoriasis has disappeared. I am now on month 7, all clear. Thanks Mr. Dan!

Psoriasis Revolution™ Pricing & Refund Policy

The 250-page Psoriasis Revolution™ e-book is priced at $47, and is immediately available for download after your payment has been processed.

With your purchase, you’ll also receive 6 bonus e-books:

The Complete Handbook of Nature’s Cures
How & When to Be Your Own Doctor
The Healing Power of Water
The Ultimate Guide to Relaxation
The Beginner’s Guide to Yoga & Meditation
Secrets to Sleeping Soundly
Furthermore, you will even receive free lifetime updates whenever improvements are made to the material contained in Psoriasis Revolution™, as well as one-on-one email counseling with Dan for a complete 90 days.

Like all products sold through ClickBank, Psoriasis Revolution™ comes with an unconditional 60-day refund policy, which you can initiate by contacting customer service at 800-390-6035.

Can Psoriasis Revolution™ Cure Your Psoriasis?

As we know that not all Psoriasis are alike and not all treatments will cure your Psoriasis, and considering that Psoriasis Revolution™ is customizable to your particular type of skin condition, I would say, what have you got to lose?

If you are interested to give it a go, like I did months ago, here is the link to your 100% risk free, 60-day money back guaranteed eBook, instantly downloadable: Psoriasis Revolution™ 

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